
side stitch : inspired

Today's side stitch was inspired by recent work by two artists, Arounna and Rinilde.

Arounna owns and runs Bookhou at home out of Toronto with her husband. She is also an incredible fine artist who I featured in August. This week on her blog, Arounna shared one of her patchwork quilts that she had made from her remnants. Inspired, I decided to do a little mini quilt along the same vein.

11. September 17, 2010. by machine and hand Inspired 6"x 6"
Rinilde has a blog called At Swim-Two-Birds. I found one of her recent series called Wormhole. I wish I could remember how I found her work, via flikr or someone's blog. Anyway, I love her work. Beautiful little cross stitch embroidery and amazing weaves. I hope to feature her work here soon but for now, here's a link to her blog and flikr site. Here's a detail of how Rinilde inspired me.

Thank you both for continuing to share your lovely work and inspiring us all! Kitty and I are halfway through our month long side stitch project! To see all my side stitches along with a link to Kitty's progress, click here.


Anonymous said...

Love this piece. The colors are great.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am from BYW. I am new to quilting and blogging. I am really impressed with your Blog will be visiting regularly as I have alot to learn. Charmaine

arounna said...

it turned out nicely - I like the embroidery detail and your choice of colours.
hope you will make more

kathrynclark said...

Thanks everyone! And thanks Arounna for inspiring me!

**EYE-SNACKS** said...

Yes, it's nice work from Renilde. I know her blog also.Kathryn, I like the work of 11 spetmeber very much. You are playing sith colours now and also with threads. Very very nice!
And a good distribution in the plane of the reds.( I hope this is a good translation because I used the translator)

kathrynclark said...

Thanks eye-snacks! Yes, I've always been afraid of color for some reason but right now I am loving reds and oranges!

Inklore said...

this is lovely kathryn; i love the bit of red in the piece.


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