I've been thinking about my extended family recently because of the holidays and last week was the 21st anniversary of my mother's death (it made for a rather depressing holiday that year, let me tell you). But, on to positive thoughts! The one thing that most of my family have in common is a lot of us ended up becoming artists or architects. Here are some pictures I have of us creating and what we've made over the years. I'll start with my grandfather, who was a professional photographer.
Lance Johnson |
Look at the size of that camera equipment he's carrying! Remember when? Well, I don't! Here's another of him probably doing a portrait, judging by the smile on his face. He ran a portrait studio in Anniston, AL before my uncle Jim took if over when he died (yep, another photographer).
Lance Johnson |
And now for my parents, both artists of course. My dad made his living as an architect as does my brother, and my uncles, etc. I love this photo of my dad, especially the pipe!
Bert McIntosh |
Did I also mention he invented the Apple Macintosh? Just kidding. Luckily, that question wasn't asked until I was in high school. Oops, did I just date myself there? I have a photo somewhere of my mom sitting at her loom but I can't find it. Here is one of her drawings for a wall tapestry she made.
Mona McIntosh |
And remember that uncle I mentioned earlier. Here is some of his fine art photography which I love. I have a copy of this hanging in my house and I look at it every day.
Jim Johnson |
Here's a picture I love, the next generation of artists. My daughter making abstract prints for her teachers when she was four.
I'd love to hear your stories about other artists in your family, it does seem to be a pattern, no?