
From Japan with Love video by The Perennial Plate

So many posts to write about including a new finished quilt! But couldn't resist this quick little video which I instantly fell in love with - From Japan with Love by The Perennial Plate. Okay, so it's not technically craft but really, it is. In Japan, food is a craft. And they are really, really good at it.

The imagery had me from the start, stunning food shots all pulled together in such a way to get me so excited about visiting Japan next month. The food, oh boy, the food! And guess what? That entire video above was shot with my same camera! Yes, there is hope I can take some fun video while we're there to share with you.

Udon Miso n' Cheese recipe. Image from www.theperennialplate.com
When I went to The Perennial Plate's website though, I was really hooked. So many wonderful videos and great stories shared about eating sustainably. 114 of them at the last check. Uh oh ... there goes my evening. Good thing I finished that quilt the other night. Head on over for some inspiration and some really good recipes.


Lari Washburn said...

Kathryn, have you seen the Adam Fulford videos about Japan? Fukui Country Home, and others about handmade objects. I was just watching some last night. Short, but sweet. I want to see the new quilt!

lisa solomon said...

oh my god the food. the food at 7-11 is good. i kid you not. you can not go wrong with food in japan. i can't wait to see it thru your eyes !!!


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