

San Francisco Open Studios

It's that time again, when artists open up their studio doors to the public! In previous years, I've always shown my work in gallery settings. This year, I'll have my home studio open. Here are the details and I hope to see meet some of you in person! 7X7 Magazine listed my studio as one worth visiting in their Guide to Open Studios here.

I have one more area in my studio to clean up, my desk! So hopefully I'll have some pictures I can share with you for those who can't make it. Thanks for your support, everyone! We artists really appreciate it!


  1. Good luck Kathryn! Hope you have a fantastic open studio. I'd go if it were possible!

  2. Best wishes for a great studio showing!

  3. Thanks everyone! At least in virtual timezone, Kitty!

  4. very cool!! congrats on the mention in 7x7. I'll try to swing by and say HI! I'd love to actually meet in person!

  5. so BUMMED i'm leaving for new york for the week. i really wanted to go to your open studio !!! darn.

  6. Cindy, hope to see you! Rae, I will have to pay a visit to your studio soon. I keep saying I need to make it over to Berkeley soon and visit all my favorite places!
