

side stitch : progress collage

Here's a little side stitch collage of what I've made so far for this collaboration with Kitty Kilian. Kitty's happily off at Origin design fair in London oohing and aahing right now. Here's her progress so far.


  1. They're great Kathryn. My favourite is top line, second from the right. Reminds me of floating in a calm ocean : )

  2. Beautiful. I love them all but am especially drawn to the 3rd one from the left, last row. Something about the utter simplicity of it is really breathtaking.

  3. Hi Chantal,
    I'm making a bigger version of that one soon!
    Thanks, Victoria, I used 'whitework' on that one.

  4. Hi Kathryn,how beautiful to see these works as a collage.I think they're all wonderful works.Every work is a new idea/process.
    And I'm curious about the bottom row,second from left.I like these floating threads and in the middle it's a bit vague/haze as if the thread is behind blotter.

  5. I like this photo
    has such a nice balance of colour and shape.
